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  • Subject is exactly "Trapping "
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days including hunting and trapping stories and trapping teachings from his dad. He also spoke of when his dad passed away. Part 4. To be…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days, during the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, including of residential school then life after returning home from residential school then…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his travels, hunting, trapping, and life stories. Final Part 7 and part 8.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana completing part 5 of lifestyle long ago including the early missions and stores trading and bringing staples from the South. Part 5B to be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about their traditional lifestyle long ago during the 1930’s to 1950’s era. Audio ends abruptly. Part 5A. To be continued.
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about Inuvialuit nomadic seasonal lifestyle long ago, including discussions on schooners, the various storekeepers, about hunting, and the fun large gatherings of games and dancing. The recording…
Frank Cockney continues his final conversations with Freeman Kimiksana about past lifestyles and present lifestyle and cultural changes including traditional education versus modern education and employment, along with new government laws and hunting…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Frank Carpenter who is telling personal and historical stories about he and other’s lifestyle long ago. Note : audio is sometimes low along with a bird chirping in the background. They also view and discuss…
Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from the previous story, of the supply ships that arrived with an abundance of food followed by feasting with gathering of Gwich’in, Inuvialuit, and Caucasians, of court, of her father working for…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when they were at Avvaq, of various people, of mourning for her uncle Kimiksan, of her relations with others, of their travels including to Tuktoyaktuk and then to Aklavik, of her parents, and shares more fond memories…
Joe Nasogaluak is storytelling of he and his family’s’s travels and way of life beginning in the fall of 1915 in Tuktuur̂aqtuuq
Eva Raddi is being interviewed about her lifestyle long ago by an unidentified interviewer followed by Noah Felix who is also being interviewed about his lifestyle long ago. They also share personal life stories.
Agnes White interviews Emmanuel Felix then Sandy Wolki about their lifestyle, places they traveled, hunted and trapped. They also tell stories.
Agnes White interviews Emma Raddi about her lifestyle and places she’s traveled from her younger days.
Elders AliceThrasher, Ruth Alunik, and Kenneth Peeloolook are speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends and Kenneth is also telling stories about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, as early as 1902 and 1917. Emma Dick is also…
Native Language Programming airs Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Sakiitualuq Kuvlualuk Kaglik and Felix Nuyaviak telling short old time stories. Donald is telling a comical story about the lost ring and Felix is is reminscing about how the many people of…
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, always busy preparing for hunting and fishing, and preserving food to last for the year, Christmas gatherings, and more.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie interviews Victor Allen and Sam Raddi about the COPE meeting and Imperial Oil’s proposed oil company work and hunting, fishing, and wildife concerns.
Murielle Nagy and Jean Harry are interviewing Edith Haogak about the traditional areas that they were flying over. Edith also shares stories about the areas they were flying over. She also identifies the traditional areas where they lived and…
Agnes White is interviewing Edith Haogak about where and how she and her family lived at various places long ago. Edith is also storytelling as she identifies many traditional place names.
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Edgar Kotokak then Jimmy Komeak are telling lifestyle stories and being interviewed by an unidentified interviewer.
Edgar Kotokak and Andy Cockney are telling oldtime stories including their lifestyle stories while speaking with the unidentified interviewer.
Frank Kuptana is storytelling about his earliest memories of traveling alone with his mother who was packing him, of hard times and good times, of his mom remarrying, of the gatherings, games, visiting, and dances, of their homes built, of hunting,…
Yesterday Before’s host Louie Goose airs Donald Kaglik who is sharing his memories of the winter and spring of 1956.
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