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  • Subject is exactly "Trapping "
This is a video of an interview with Elder Maureen Elias. She talks about what it was like hunting, whaling, and living on the land when she was younger. She also talks about how things are different today.
An interview Edgar Kotokak, who describes living in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
A video of Elders from Paulatuk and Holman (who have passed away) telling stories from their past.
This is a video of Elder Frank Kudlak talking about his life growing up and living on the land. He tells stories about hunting and trapping and explains how people lived long ago.
This is a video of Sandy Wolki telling stories about his life. He talks about the different places he and his family travelled and lived, and how they, and the other Inuvialuit, would hunt, trap, and live off the land. The last part of the video is a…
A video of Joe Apian describing his experiences living and travelling around the Circumpolar World. Among the discussed topics are: drum dancing, hunting, harvesting, and other various traditional activities.
This is a video of Elder Geddes Wolki talking about growing up and living on the land. He talks about the different places he travelled to and how he hunted and trapped. The last few minutes of the video show a segment of “Nanuk Says” in…
Danny and Annie C. Gordon describe and demonstrate how to set traps and prepare the trapped animals for future use.
A video of Elder Colin Harry (aka Isaugan) telling stories about his life. He talks about being adopted, going to school, hunting, trapping, and herding reindeer.
This is a video of Elder Colin Allen talking about his life. He tells stories about growing up, the jobs he had, where he lived, and how he hunted, trapped, fished, and lived off of the land.
A video of Elder Lena Danielson speaking about her experiences growing up and living in different camps and communities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR). She talks about what it was like when she got married, how her husband Johnny taught…
This video shows Danny Gordon and Annie C Gordon teaching six teenagers from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik how to trap and about life in a trapping camp.
Freddy Rogers teaches two children how to harvest animals off of the land.
Two segments: one where Gabe Angre tells of is experiences with the land and the other with the sod turning for the site of the new hospital in Inuvik.
Children are shown indigenous traditional knowledge like ice fishing, trapping, etc. at Huskey Lakes.
Elisa Hart and Don Gardner discuss artifacts and the survival of Kitigaaryuit, the traditional whaling camp west of Tuktuyuktuk.
In March 1999, a group of students travelled to a Bush camp in the Mackenzie Delta from Sir Alexander Mackenzie School as a part of the cultural activities for young students. Also, Leonard Harry talks to Robert Kuptana in the studio.
Persis Gruben is storytelling about when she lived a nomadic lifestyle with her parents then later moving to Tuktoyaktuk, of travelling with dogteams and use of dogs. Persis also shares stories of when they first got skidoos, of hunting and trapping…
Persis Gruben is continuing her storytelling of the lifestyle changes, about traveling with her parents long ago and later with her children when her husband was hospitalised, of her traditional teachings, of wildlife hunted, of the oil companies…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben is stortyelling about orphans, of various people and or families at various locations they lived at including the different homes they lived in. She also spoke of water and heating oil not being delivered to them but rather they would…
Persis Gruben is storytelling of her younger days, of a time when she didn’t see alcoholism amongst the people, of a fire where her family lost everything, of how people have changed and are not like how they were long ago: when people used to help…
Persis Gruben continues to tell stories of her life experiences of when she was young living and travelling with her parents and siblings, of a gunshot accident, of hunting and trapping stories, of traditional first aid and healing methods, of a…
Persis Gruben is storytelling about being taught to be respectful to their parents, about her relationship with her parents, about their travels, about Sunday bible teachings from her parents, about Christmas Gatherings and about Christmas new…
Agnes White interviews Helen Gruben then Willie Gruben about their lifestyle, places they traveled, hunted and trapped. They also tell stories.
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