Buster Kailek is telling old time stories of when he was a young man, of how people lived long ago, hunting, fishing, trapping, living off the land and sea, making and preserving traditional food harvested, and of their nomadic lifestyle, of their…
Buster Kailek is storytelling about their travels including traveling to Tuktoyaktuk getting supplies at the Hudson Bay, and the many schooners that were there, of their traveling challenges, of a child’s death, of hunting and trapping, of their…
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part four of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part three of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part two of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923.. Part 3. To be continued.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923.. Part 2. To be continued.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then airs a recording of William Kuptana who is telling old time stories of how Inuvialuit lived long ago.