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  • Subject is exactly "Oral history"
The attendees at the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering continue their sing-along. Towards the end of the clip they also discuss the hymn books.
Interview was already in progress with David Nasogaluk with Agnes White about his lifestyle long ago. David also shares historical stories.
Agnes White interviews David Nasogaluk about his traditional land use areas from long ago. David also tells some stories from long ago. Agnes White then begins storytelling from Storkeson Bay about where her grandfather and her family were living…
Cathy Cockney interviews Diamond Klengenberg and Laura Lucas about their family genealogies with help from interpreter Agnes White.
Group discussion of a particular phrase in Inuvialuktun at the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
The attendees at the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering continue their discussion of songs. The focus in this clip is on drum dancing, songs, and language.
Attendees at the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering discuss drum dancing. Sammy Lennie has brought in copies of songs for everyone to look at.
Cathy Cockney is completing the remainder of Dora Malegana’s genealogy then interviews Elizabeth Elanik about her family genealogy with help from interpreter Rosie Archie.
Cathy Cockney interviews Edgar Kotokak about his family genealogy with help from interpreter Agnes White.
Edgar Kotokak and Andy Cockney are telling oldtime stories including their lifestyle stories while speaking with the unidentified interviewer.
Edgar Kotokak then Jimmy Komeak are telling lifestyle stories and being interviewed by an unidentified interviewer.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Edith Haogak and Sarah Kuptana about traditional place names and about their lifestyle and stories from long ago. Edith and Sarah also identify people in the photos and share some genealogy.
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak who is also storytelling about their lifestyle and traditional land use areas when she was younger including stories about her parents, and more. Audio fades in and out sometimes.
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Agnes White is interviewing Edith Haogak about where and how she and her family lived at various places long ago. Edith is also storytelling as she identifies many traditional place names.
Murielle Nagy and Jean Harry are interviewing Edith Haogak about the traditional areas that they were flying over. Edith also shares stories about the areas they were flying over. She also identifies the traditional areas where they lived and…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Edward Ruben in English about his family genealogy. Edward is also shares memories and stories from his younger days.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Edward Ruben about his Inuvialuktun drum dance songs. Edward also sings and explains what the Inuvialuktun drum songs mean.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Elizabeth Banksland about her family genealogy. Elizabeth also shares her mom’s heartbreaking story of childhood abandonment and survival as well as of starvation and cannibalism. Part 1. To be continued.
Cathy Cockney is completing the genealogy interview with Elizabeth Banksland.
Elizabeth Kuptana and George Krengnektak saying their good-byes as they depart on the final day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
Elizabeth Kuptana talking about family names on the second day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
Elizabeth Kuptana telling stories on the third day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
4 clips of Elizabeth Kuptana telling stories on the first day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering. The first three clips are short stories. The fourth clip is Elizabeth introducing herself and talking about her family. This last clip ends…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Elizabeth Pertschy about her family genealogy.
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