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  • Subject is exactly "Music Performance"
The entertainment portion of the 1998 Ulukhaktok's annual Kingalik Jamboree featuring drum dancing and musical performances.
A presentation of past musical performances from various musicians. The video concludes with teasers into the next episode which highlights upcoming community events and computer training
This video highlights the September celebrations for the grand opening of the recreation centre.
Interview with Ishmael Alunik and Aklavik talent show with various musical performances.
This video shows events from the Inuit Circumpolar Conference which took place in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk in July 1992. It includes a parade, drum dancing, throat singing, and performances by Susan Aglukark, Charlie Adams, and Kashtin.
Events at the Kingaluk Jamboree in Ulukhaktok including: bannock making, musical performances, jigging, etc.
This video shows the 6th Elders Conference, which took place during the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk in July 1992. It includes clips of people speaking at the conference as well as various performances.
This is a video of the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) in Inuvik. It shows people sending greetings to their friends and family, some performances from the conference, and both the outgoing president of the ICC, Mary Simon, and the incoming…
Various musical performances for the Inuvik Talent show.
A video depicting the games and activities from the 1989 Muskrat Jamboree.
A video documenting various musical performances the Muskrat Jamboree Talent show.
Highlights from the 1988 Beluga Jamboree in Tuktoyaktuk.
Highlights from the Ikhalukpik Jamboree, interviews, and information on forest fires.
The first half of this video displays the New Year's talent show with musical performances and dancing. The second half recaps the year, showing footage from around the community, ice hockey tournaments, interviews, etc.
This video shows clips of some programs which aired on Suaangan during the 1985/1986 season. It is almost entirely in Inuvialuktun without subtitles.
The Inuvialuit Elders showcase their musical talent through a variety of performances.
This video highlights two performers and paired dancers at the Tamapta Talent Show
A video documenting various musical performances the 2004 Muskrat Jamboree Talent show.
This video presents the first, second, and third place winners of the 2004 Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik.
The ICS celebrates their 20th anniversary by showcasing the various musical performances that they have recorded over the years.
The ICS celebrates their 20th anniversary by showcasing the various musical performances that they have recorded over the years.
Various musical performers show their talents at the 2003 Mad Trapper Rendezvous.
Aklavik's annual Mad Trapper Rendezvous in 2003. Footage shows musical performances from David Storr, Creeative Harmony, Allen Park, and Richard Gordon. The video ends with shots of Aklavik scenery.
Musical performances and dog races from the 2003 Mad Trapper Rendevous in Aklavik. Dean McLeod receives an award for his dedication to the community.
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