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  • Subject is exactly "Log Cabins"

The image shows a summer camp that is made up of a few tents and a log cabin. We can also see that the shore is full of boats. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of a group of men posing for a photo in front of a couple of log buildings. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of Bessie Irish with her grandparents Kingmaq and John Kuviran with a log cabin in the background. Credit: Martha Harry

The image shows a camp across the river in the summer time. Credit: Martha Harry

The photo is taken at a place called “AKULIQ”. In the photo we can see a few people, along with a log cabin. Women with back to us - Carrie Adam (Paul Adam’s mom), women in white parkav- (“Korra”?) Bessie Wolki’s sister{Isaac’s 1st…

The image shows Lennie Inglangasuk's cabin and a few other log cabins, as well as a tent in the Delta. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of a group of people and a log cabin in background that belonged to Aileen Okpik. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of Isaac Simon and Persis Gruben in white parka standing infront of log cabins. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of two teachers at Shingle Point mission site in the early 1930s. Left to Right: Mrs. Shepard (nee Letham), Mrs. Court. Credit: Martha Harry

Photo of Garrett Nutik (father of Kathleen Hansen and Garret Nutik), Emma's (mother of Kathleen Hansen, Garrett Nutik, Jeannie Lennie, and Ivy Ekaksak) first husband. He is holding Ella Phillips, Clara Phillips’ mother. Credit: Martha Harry. More…

A photo of Mrs Blake and Mr Billy Blake standing outside a log cabin with three small chidren, all in tradtional clothing. Also on the back of the photo was written: Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of Ilaviniq-Wallas Goose's grandfather, and Ole Anderson-showing some of the furs they have outside a log cabin. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo if an unidentified child, Richard Igiluriatchiaq”(Hugh's son)”, showing some of the furs outside a log cabin. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of a few people standing out side a log cabin. (left to right: Paul Adam's mom (Carrie), Nora, Mary Misanaq). Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of Old Adam Inuałurâq Credit: Martha Harry Hunt Photos/Dr. D.E. Hunt photos - Inuvik 1968-69 085.jpg
A photo of Mrs. Norris and her daughters at a camp near Inuvik. Hunt Photos/Dr. D.E. Hunt photos - Inuvik 1968-69 061.jpg
A photo of Granny Fisher outside of her cabin. Hunt Photos/Dr. D.E. Hunt photos - Inuvik 1968-69 010.jpg
A photo of a few people at Steven Frost’s cabin in Old Crow.
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