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  • Subject is exactly "Lifestyle"
Buster Kailek is storytelling about how Inuvialuit lived prior to European contact, about how they made fire long ago, about fishing, about caribou hunting methods prior to modern guns with his uncle and others, about all the many uses of caribou for…
Buster Kailek is storytelling about their travels including traveling to Tuktoyaktuk getting supplies at the Hudson Bay, and the many schooners that were there, of their traveling challenges, of a child’s death, of hunting and trapping, of their…
Buster Kailek is telling old time stories of when he was a young man, of how people lived long ago, hunting, fishing, trapping, living off the land and sea, making and preserving traditional food harvested, and of their nomadic lifestyle, of their…
Buster Kailek is storytelling of when he was young man of when his uncle was teaching him how to hunt seal, of trapping, and of other hunting stories.
Buster Kailek is telling hunting and traveling stories from 1968, including some comical stories, of hunting and traditional knowledge teachings, and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about their traditional lifestyle long ago during the 1930’s to 1950’s era. Audio ends abruptly. Part 5A. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues his final conversations with Freeman Kimiksana about past lifestyles and present lifestyle and cultural changes including traditional education versus modern education and employment, along with new government laws and hunting…
Frank Cockney interviews Tom Avakgak about his lifestyles memories from his younger days beginning in the early1930’s. Part 1. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his lifestyles memories from his younger days beginning in the early1930’s including when he and others went to Aklavik for residential school. Part 2. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days, during the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, including of residential school then life after returning home from residential school then…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days including hunting and trapping stories and trapping teachings from his dad. He also spoke of when his dad passed away. Part 4. To be…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his travels, hunting, trapping, and life stories after his father’s passing. Part 5 and 6. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his travels, hunting, trapping, and life stories. Final Part 7 and part 8.
Ivy Raddi is telling stories and sharing memories of her younger days to include their many travels and lifestyles long ago. Part 1. To be continued.
Ivy Raddi is continuing her life stories and sharing memories of her younger days, Part 2. To be continued. it changes to English programming at the 45:33 minute mark
Ivy Raddi is continuing her life stories and sharing memories of her younger days from Part 3. To be continued.
Ivy Raddi is continuing her life stories and sharing memories of her younger days from Part 4. To be continued.
Ivy Raddi is completing her life stories, is sharing memories of her younger days, and is sharing her wisdom and advice to the listeners. Final, part 5.
Roddy (sp) Peter’s translates Andrew Kunnizzi’s story in English about the stories he was telling two ladies.
Amos Tumma is sharing memories of his younger days of he and other’s travels and lifestyle long ago.
Qummana is telling a story about Fred Carpenter during the 1921/22 era.
Mary Kailek is telling a legend of young girls who were kidnapped followed by personal life stories of her younger days. Part 1. To be continued.
Mary Kailek is continuing her personal life stories of her younger days. Part 2.
Mary Kailek is telling personal life stories.
Elder Buster Kailek is sharing memories of long ago and of how they lived long ago out on the land. Part 1. To be continued.
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