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Agnes White continues to interview Alexandria Elias who is storytelling about when she first went to Banksland and shares memories from her younger days. Final, part 2.
Shirley Elias interviews Alec Banksland about his lifestyle long ago, about how Inuvialuit lived long ago, and about his dad’s travels with the Steffansson’s expedition. Note: audio is sometimes low. They also interview Alec about traditional…
Agnes White interviews Albert Oliver about when he was traveling and living around Banksland as well as other places he and other’s traveled and lived, and more.
Shirley Elias interviews Albert Elias about his lifestyle when he was younger, his genealogy, and Albert also shares some old time stories.
Agnes White is sharing stories from various locations. She is telling stories that were told to her from mother Persis Gruben, of when they first went to Banks Island. Agnes then begins to share her own stories from her younger days.
Agnes White, who is speaking from Sachs Harbour, continues storytelling and sharing memories of her younger days. Note: The first half of the audio is a repeat of
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Agnes Nasogaluak of her personal life stories and lifestyle from her younger days in English followed by an interview with Winnie Cockney of she and her family’s lifestyle and travels long ago…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Agnes Goose, with some help from an unidentified interpreter, about her family genealogy.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Agnes Kayotuk about her family genealogy in English.
Agnes White and Murille Nagy interview Agnes Kayotuk about she and her family’s travels, places they lived, and their lifestyle long ago to her present lifestyle followed by an interview with Agnes Nasogaluak of her personal life stories and…
Shirley Elias interviews Agnes Goose about her family, their travels, and lifestyle long ago as well as historical stories from the past.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Agnes Carpenter about her personal and Inuvialuit lifestyle long ago. Agnes shares more memories and stories of her younger days. At the 21:26 minute mark, it suddenly switches to an interview…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Agnes Carpenter about her personal lifestyle long ago as well as Inuvialuit lifestyle long ago. Agnes shares more memories and stories of her younger days. To be continued.
Murielle Nagy, Agnes White, and Agnes Carpenter continue viewing photographs and discussing the historical contents and contexts of the photographs in English. Agnes Carpenter also shares more memories and stories of her younger days. Part 2. To be…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Agnes Carpenter about her family kinship, and personal life history and stories in English. They also view and discuss contents of photographs. Part 1. To be continued.
Rosemary Kuptana continues to interview Bessie Lennie about her lifestyle as a young adult, of a dog team trip with her husband that almost cost them their lives, then of having to raise her children on her own when her husband passed away, of the…
Adam Emaghok then Joseph Avik are interviewed about their lifestyles long ago. They also share stories and memories from their younger days.
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