Jim Edwards is completing his Christmas story in English followed by Jean Tardiff who is also telling a Christmas story in Inuvialuktun then Louie Goose reads some Jean’s story in English. Louie then tells a short story in English then introduces…
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about Inuvialuit nomadic seasonal lifestyle long ago, including discussions on schooners, the various storekeepers, about hunting, and the fun large gatherings of games and dancing. The recording…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when they were at Avvaq, of various people, of mourning for her uncle Kimiksan, of her relations with others, of their travels including to Tuktoyaktuk and then to Aklavik, of her parents, and shares more fond memories…
Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from 1942 and 1943 of: she and her family’’s activities such as hunting, trapping, of various people, of their travels, of going to Aklavik for Easter, Peffer’s Hotel, Banksland people who flew to…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of the fall of 1930 when she went to Utqaluk (Baillie Island) and of some who went to Pierce Point where there were many Eastern Inuit living there at that time, of stories she heard of Eastern Inuit and shamanism, and of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his late famoun grandfather who had many friends and who was not well but stlll very fit and wanted to go mining, so he, his grandfather, Tom Elanik, Harry, Abe Auktalik Okpik, Owen , his grandfather, left…
Frank Cockney is storytelling his life stories of when he was younger with growing up and travelling with his grandparents, of their traditional nomadic lifestyle, of trapping stories, of going to their fishing place, and more. To be continued. …
Frank Cockney is storytelling his life stories of when he was growing up with his grandparents, observing his grandfather and learning the traditional way of life from his grandparents, of the laplanders that were reindeer herding and staying with…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923.. Part 2. To be continued.
Elder Amos Tumma is speaking about Inuvialuit way of life today compared to Inuvialuit way of living when he was younger. He shares his thoughts and opinions of the lifestyle changes he has seen over the years and shares his wishes and advice for…
Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen explains "The Law" to the listeners then airs Kenneth Peeloolook speaking about his concerns as a senior of the new way of life with money or lack there of causing food and other shortages. Victor…
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, always busy preparing for hunting and fishing, and preserving food to last for the year, Christmas gatherings, and more.
Shirley Elias and Murielle Nagy interview Jimmy Memogana about his lifestyle and his travels long ago, as well as stories from his younger days. Jimmy also sings a song in Inuvialuktun. They also discuss traditional place names.
Olga and David Roland, Agnes White, and Murielle Nagy continue viewing and discussing the historical contexts and contents of the photos including, the year, and location of the photos, as well as sharing personal stories in Inuvialuktun and English.