Browse Items (9 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Harvesting"

Poem about going fishing. In the Uummarmiutun dialect and English.

Poem about going fishing. In the Siglitun dialect and English.

Poem about going fishing. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect and English.
A video account of traditional hunting skills and appropriate harvesting procedures to ensure the preservation of the beluga whale.

ICS Harvesting the Beluga -English--H
A video account of traditional hunting skills and appropriate harvesting procedures to ensure the preservation of the beluga whale.

99 12 T Food Hunting and Gathering-H
Video interviews with Elders on their expertise on how to prepare traditional food, and harvesting techniques.
A video depicting cultural games; fishing techniques.
A video of Joe Apian describing his experiences living and travelling around the Circumpolar World. Among the discussed topics are: drum dancing, hunting, harvesting, and other various traditional activities.
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