Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he was a young man and travelling, hunting, and trapping foxes with his inlaws including when the wolves kept eating their trapped foxes, when families worked and helped each other, hearing that people were sick…
Hester Adam is storytelling about her life stories of her lifestyle when she was younger, of who her parents and grandparents are, her siblings, of how and where they lived, their travels, and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Joe Nasogaluak is storytelling about his life stories during the year 1924 including when he was sick that year with the flu. Part 1. To be continued. Note: The audio is very low so it’s hard to hear what he is saying for the last ten to eleven…
John Holman, host of the A Long Time Ago program, airs Raddi Koiksak telling short stories and legends followed by Jorgen Klengenberg telling old time stories.
Native Language Programming airs Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Sakiitualuq Kuvlualuk Kaglik and Felix Nuyaviak telling short old time stories. Donald is telling a comical story about the lost ring and Felix is is reminscing about how the many people of…
Agnes White and Murille Nagy interview Agnes Kayotuk about she and her family’s travels, places they lived, and their lifestyle long ago to her present lifestyle followed by an interview with Agnes Nasogaluak of her personal life stories and…
Eva Raddi is being interviewed about her lifestyle long ago by an unidentified interviewer followed by Noah Felix who is also being interviewed about his lifestyle long ago. They also share personal life stories.