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  • Subject is exactly "Family"
Agnes White is sharing stories from various locations. She is telling stories that were told to her from mother Persis Gruben, of when they first went to Banks Island. Agnes then begins to share her own stories from her younger days.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Agnes Goose, with some help from an unidentified interpreter, about her family genealogy.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Agnes Kayotuk about her family genealogy in English.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Agnes Carpenter about her personal lifestyle long ago as well as Inuvialuit lifestyle long ago. Agnes shares more memories and stories of her younger days. To be continued.
Rosemary Kuptana continues to interview Bessie Lennie about her lifestyle as a young adult, of a dog team trip with her husband that almost cost them their lives, then of having to raise her children on her own when her husband passed away, of the…
Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from 1942 and 1943 of: she and her family’’s activities such as hunting, trapping, of various people, of their travels, of going to Aklavik for Easter, Peffer’s Hotel, Banksland people who flew to…
Mary Kailek’s storytelling starts off with some of the latter story repeated from the previous story of when she was younger around Christmas time then Mary continues sharing her memories: of when she just had two children when her son Alex Kaglik…
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