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  • Subject is exactly "Family"
Bessie Lennie is telling a stories about her family and the way they lived long ago with her family and older sister's family, the Kuptanas, of their travels, of when caribou was hunted for food, for caribou skins, for sinew, of when they were hiking…
Buster Kailek is storytelling about their travels including traveling to Tuktoyaktuk getting supplies at the Hudson Bay, and the many schooners that were there, of their traveling challenges, of a child’s death, of hunting and trapping, of their…
Uummarmiutun basic language lesson on relatives.
Elders Sarah Kuptana, William Kuptana, Robert Kuptana, Kitty Roland, and Emma Dick speak to and send greetings to family and friends. James Ruben and Gideon Ruben report about ITC and Landclaims work in Inuvialuktun and English.
Various Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Frank Kuptana is storytelling about the way of life long ago with fishing, hunting seals, caribou, and polar bears, traditional clothing that was made, the clean snow houses that were made, the traditional food, homemade storage containers for the…
Inuvialuktun host, Ishmael Suuyuq Alunik, introduces William Kuptana who is storytelling about his lifestyle when he was a young man, of when Inuvialuit gathered together including their traditional hunting and fishing methods prior to Whiteman…
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