Browse Items (157 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Family"
Mary Kailek is storytelling about her life stories from her younger days, of her father, of her grandfather, of some comical stories, of trading piffi (dryfish) for staples with the police who arrived by boat, of various visitors, of learning how to…
Frank Kuptana is storytelling of his younger days, of when people were arriving to Aggie Bolt’s land to purchase supplies from the store, of the Sunday services and games, of when they were unloading the trading supply ship that arrived, of…
Mary Kailek shares her journal of July to August activities of her travels, hunts, the search for Archie, and pf her lifestyle with her family out on the land, of her frustrations with lifestyle changes regarding money, and speaks of her prayers and…
Mary Kailek continues sharing from her summer journals of her faith, of she and her family’s lifestyle and activities, of their travels, of hunting, fishing, snaring, of a missing person search, of the traditional clothing that she’d sew and her…
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of he and his family’s travels and of hunting polar bears with his hunting companions and their dog teams, part 1, to be continued.
A Long Time Ago Program New Year's Special broadcast with show CBC radio host, Judy Kochon, where Grollier Hall Residential school Indigenous students and others in Inuvik are sending Christmas and New Years greetings and messages, to parents,…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling a story that was already in progress about a prophecy told to a young man of when he would be asked to become the next leader and how this poor man life unfolds on the A Long Time Ago program.
Persis Gruben is storytelling about when she lived a nomadic lifestyle with her parents then later moving to Tuktoyaktuk, of travelling with dogteams and use of dogs. Persis also shares stories of when they first got skidoos, of hunting and trapping…
Persis Gruben is continuing her lifestyle stories comparing the numerous changes and coming to terms with a changing way of life that her generation encountered affecting things like: lifestyle changes, cleanliness and caring for the land,…
Persis Gruben is sharing her opinions of and comparing past lifestyle of Inuvialuit to present modern day Inuvialuit lifestyles in regards to transportation, sewage and garbage, influence of European lifestyles, hunting and wildlife, and traditional…
Persis Gruben is continuing her storytelling of the lifestyle changes, about traveling with her parents long ago and later with her children when her husband was hospitalised, of her traditional teachings, of wildlife hunted, of the oil companies…
Persis Gruben is storytelling of her younger days, of a time when she didn’t see alcoholism amongst the people, of a fire where her family lost everything, of how people have changed and are not like how they were long ago: when people used to help…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Peter and Shirley Esau and they share and discuss personal life stories. Four people speaking all at once for some of the time. Shirley then shares stories from her younger days.
Elders, Rebecca Chicksi and Rosie Peeloolook send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and in Canada on The People Speak.
Elders Sarah Tingmiak and Donald Kaglik from Iñuuvik speak to and send greetings to family and friends.
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Aklavik, N.T. Elder, Simon Bennett is speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends on the The People Speak Inuit Program.
Mary Kailek is completing the legend from the previous legend, then tells a personal short story from when she was at Campsell Hospital, and ends with a legend that she heard from her friend Melanie from Taloyoak (Spence Bay) about a man who had five…
Agnes Nanogak is storytelling of some of she and her family’s many travels, of living in various places, and of of some of their experiences such as when her father fell in water and nearly froze to death, of when he made his own kayak boat with…
Mary Kailek is sharing her memories of she and her family’s activities during the summer and fall of their travels and living out on the land. Mary also mentions the visitors arriving to their camp, of passers by, of various chores, of sewing…
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a very young girl, about their culture and way of life long ago prior to European arrival. Part 1, to be continued.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about her younger days and she and her families travels to Banksland.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part four of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
A Long Time Ago host Beatrice Niptanateak airs Amos Tumma storytelling. Amos is completing the story about an orphan.
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