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Persis Gruben is continuing her lifestyle stories comparing the numerous changes and coming to terms with a changing way of life that her generation encountered affecting things like: lifestyle changes, cleanliness and caring for the land,…
Persis Gruben is storytelling about when she lived a nomadic lifestyle with her parents then later moving to Tuktoyaktuk, of travelling with dogteams and use of dogs. Persis also shares stories of when they first got skidoos, of hunting and trapping…
Persis Gruben is storytelling of her younger days, of a time when she didn’t see alcoholism amongst the people, of a fire where her family lost everything, of how people have changed and are not like how they were long ago: when people used to help…
Donald Kaglik continues and completes the legend that he was telling his visitor Hebert Allen, of the girl who married a shaman. Donald then tells another legend that he told to his friends and family while sitting around the campfire at another…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was just out of school, of his travels including travels with his dad, of his trapping and dog team adventures, of racing to town with his uncle, other dog…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of getting into mischief, of beluga whale hunting, of he and other’s adventures, of fun and lonely times, along with mishaps, log hauling, sawing wood, rabbit snaring,…
Donald Kaglik is completing the legend of Nauyaq Returns, The Lone Survivor, final part 2, by Donald Kaglik.
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling from 1902 and 1921, of their travels, adventures, caribou hunting experiences, drumming, singing, and dancing, arrival of the White Bowhead Whalers, along with alcohol, mining, employment, and much more, …
Kenneth Peeloolook is telling a story about dog trouble in the community that went from bad to worse causing fear in the community due to anger and revenge resulting in murders. Part one. To be continued.
Kenneth Peeloolook is sharing his memories of his younger days in Alaska and in Canada of his life experiences, part one. To be continued.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part four of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Raddi Koiksak is telling legends and life stories from when he was young including their traveling, hunting, and fishing stories.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about her younger days and she and her families travels to Banksland.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a very young girl, about their culture and way of life long ago prior to European arrival. Part 1, to be continued.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling a story that was already in progress about a prophecy told to a young man of when he would be asked to become the next leader and how this poor man life unfolds on the A Long Time Ago program.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling about his life stories from November 1922 to March 1923 then from March 1923 to September 1923.
Akłarvik Elder Alex Aalaak Irish is speaking and mentions that he’ll visit his aunty Kitty Kuutuuq Rolland in Inuvik and shares his dad Irish Kiuruga’s teaching of never to be angry at people and to look after the poor and or orphans, etc.
Various Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Elders Kenneth Peeloolook, Rebecca Chicksi, Ruth Alunik,Tommy Kalinek, Joe Nasogaluk Sr., and other Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Elders Jean Arey, Simon Bennett and another Elder speak to and send greetings to family and friends on The Inuit Speak Program.
A Long Time Ago host Beatrice Niptanateak airs Amos Tumma storytelling. Amos is completing the story about an orphan.
Elders Sarah Tingmiak, Nora Ruben, and Sarah Kalinek speak to and send greetings to family and friends.
Elders Sarah Tingmiak and Donald Kaglik from Iñuuvik speak to and send greetings to family and friends.
Elder Johnny Ruben is completing his storytelling, part two, of his parents and grandparents travels, hunting, and trapping stories.
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