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  • Subject is exactly "Dog teams"

A photo of a summer camp that is made up of tents, we can see Persis Gruben standng around a sled by Pierce Point. Credit: Martha Harry

The image shows a caribou passing by Lennie Inglangasuk's dog team. Credit: Martha Harry

The image shows a few men sitting on a dog sled in traditional clothes with snowhouses and tents in the background. Left to Right: Herbert Allen, Alec Stefansson, Owen Okpik Allen, Sam Lennie (hold by Owen Okpik), Collin Allen, Alberta Lennie …

A photo of Old Man Rufus Kalea_ak (also spelled “Kaleolook”) and his daughter Ada, who was Owen Okpik's first wife. Credit: Martha Harry Hunt Photos/Dr. D.E. Hunt photos - Inuvik 1968-69 164.jpg
A photo of a dogsled team heading to Inuvik, with buildings in the background. Hunt Photos/Dr. D.E. Hunt photos - Inuvik 1968-69 160.jpg
A photo of sled dogs resting at a seal hunt camp. Six people and a tent are in the background. One person is carrying a crate.
Persis Gruben is storytelling about when she lived a nomadic lifestyle with her parents then later moving to Tuktoyaktuk, of travelling with dogteams and use of dogs. Persis also shares stories of when they first got skidoos, of hunting and trapping…
Persis Gruben is continuing her lifestyle stories comparing the numerous changes and coming to terms with a changing way of life that her generation encountered affecting things like: lifestyle changes, cleanliness and caring for the land,…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben continues to tell stories of her life experiences of when she was young living and travelling with her parents and siblings, of a gunshot accident, of hunting and trapping stories, of traditional first aid and healing methods, of a…
Persis Gruben is telling her life stories of her birth place, of their travels with her parents, of when her mom got sick, of the Eastern Inuit (Qangmalit) visiting: who had different clothing and a different language and who practised shamanism, of…
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling the final part six of The Long Crossing story. Father Le Meur then interviews Jim about his successful trapping days when he was younger.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part five of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Jim Edwards is completing his Christmas story in English followed by Jean Tardiff who is also telling a Christmas story in Inuvialuktun then Louie Goose reads some Jean’s story in English. Louie then tells a short story in English then introduces…
Frank Cockney is storytelling for future generations to hear. Frank is telling stories about when he started running his business, of the trials and errors of learning how to run a business, of trapping with Eddy, of his previous Heavy Equipment…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his trapping stories, of his travels with his family, of going to the store with his dogsled and purchasing dry goods, of caring for their dogs and dog teams, of his 10 to 12 year old son hunting small game, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he lived in the Delta, of people, the weather, the government all being different from when he was young, prior to many people living on one place, of his home near Aklavik, of travelling with dogsleds prior to…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his late famoun grandfather who had many friends and who was not well but stlll very fit and wanted to go mining, so he, his grandfather, Tom Elanik, Harry, Abe Auktalik Okpik, Owen , his grandfather, left…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his grandmother, his father in law, then mother in law passed away, of his grandfather's independence, of he and his wife’s and many other’s registered traplines, of living a worry free healthy traditional…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his grandfather was preparing him to become more independent so he doesn’t suffer when he’s no longer around, of Christmas and New Year’s gatherings, of the Reindeer Herders joining themf or Christmas, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he and his wife would either stay with his inlaws but moreso with his grandparents who adopted and raised him, of mustkrat hunting, of trapping, of his grandfather who was monitoring to see how he could handle…
Frank Cockney is storytelling his life stories of when he was younger with growing up and travelling with his grandparents, of their traditional nomadic lifestyle, of trapping stories, of going to their fishing place, and more. To be continued. …
Alice Agnaoyak is telling stories of she and her husband’s trapping and traveling days when the Dewline first started up, of polar bear encounter stories, caribou hunting stories, many travels and much more. Part 4. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is continuing her stories of her younger days of polar bear hunting with her parents and her husband, of an airplane story, of food poisoning resulting in illnesses and deaths, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is storytelling of when she was a small child, of always going out hunting with her father, of hunting stories and more. Part 1. To be continued.
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