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Mabel Steffanson is continuing to tell her life stories of her younger days. Part 2. To be continued.

The whole settlement loading sleds after deciding to go to Holman with the RCMP patrol.

A photo of Igiyuryaq (Frank Kudlak’s father, Sam Uliktuaq’s Mother’s brother) and Joseph Niriyurnaq (his son) standing in front of a loaded sled.

A photo of Igiyuryaq (Frank Kudlak’s father, Sam Uliktuaq’s Mother’s brother) and Joseph Niriyurnaq (his son) standing in front of a loaded sled.

The image shows Masik Pass, RCMP Patrol to Holman Island leaving Masik Pass.

The image shows Frank and Florance Carpenter with Leslie and Barbara leaving for trap lines.

The image shows Winnie and Glen Carpenter leaving for trap lines by dog sled.

Kudluk family photographed on the way to Holman.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling. Joe is telling life stories from the years from late 1916 up to March 1917.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling about his life stories from January 1925 to July 1926.

A photo of Old Man Rufus Kalea_ak (also spelled “Kaleolook”) and his daughter Ada, who was Owen Okpik's first wife. Credit: Martha Harry

Peter Esau and Bill Benedek hunting seals 10 miles out at floe edge.

Peter Esau inland hunting caribou for fresh meat supply.

Peter and Shirley Esau hunting along coast at Cape Kellett.

The image shows Frank Carpenter hooking up the dogs, leaving for trap lines.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Silas Kangegana storytelling of his reindeer herding experiences as they headed home, and their adventures followed by Father Le Meur's translation of Silas Kangegana’s reindeer herding days…

The image shows Peter Esau hauling seal home by dog team.

A photo of the Goose family and a dogsled team standing on ice in a bay.

The image shows a few dog teams getting ready to leave camp. Left to Right: Herbert Allen, Alec Stefansson, Owen Allen, Collin Allen, Alberta Lennie Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of Umiluruituk, Wallace, his wife, and their son Roger.
Frank Cockney is storytelling his life stories of when he was younger with growing up and travelling with his grandparents, of their traditional nomadic lifestyle, of trapping stories, of going to their fishing place, and more. To be continued. …
Frank Cockney is storytelling for future generations to hear. Frank is telling stories about when he started running his business, of the trials and errors of learning how to run a business, of trapping with Eddy, of his previous Heavy Equipment…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his trapping stories, of his travels with his family, of going to the store with his dogsled and purchasing dry goods, of caring for their dogs and dog teams, of his 10 to 12 year old son hunting small game, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he lived in the Delta, of people, the weather, the government all being different from when he was young, prior to many people living on one place, of his home near Aklavik, of travelling with dogsleds prior to…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his late famoun grandfather who had many friends and who was not well but stlll very fit and wanted to go mining, so he, his grandfather, Tom Elanik, Harry, Abe Auktalik Okpik, Owen , his grandfather, left…
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