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Inuvialuit Aipaani Ukiumi Atnuraangit (Uummarmiutun)
Images and explanations of traditional clothing for winter, what materials are used, and what the clothing looks like. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Inuvialuit Ingilraan Annuraangit Ukiumi (Sallirmiutun)
Images and explanations of traditional clothing for winter, what materials are used, and what the clothing looks like. In the Siglitun dialect.
Ingilraat Pitquhiitnik Ukiumi Annuraangit (Kangiryuarmiutun)
Images and explanations of traditional clothing for winter, what materials are used, and what the clothing looks like. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Ilihautr̂it (Uummarmiutun)
A children's book that contains pictures and names of teachers from different schools in the region. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Ilisaujiyuat (Sallirmiutun)
A children's book that contains pictures and names of teachers from different schools in the region. In the Siglitun dialect.
Ilihaujiit (Kangiryuarmiutun)
A children's book that contains pictures and names of teachers from different schools in the region. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Taiguq (Uummarmiutun)
A children's book which demonstrates language translations through images. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Taiguq (Sallirmiutun)
A children's book which demonstrates language translations through images. In the Siglitun dialect.
Taiguq (Kangiryuarmiutun)
A children's book which demonstrates language translations through images. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Inuuññiarviit Nunaptingni (Uummarmiutun)
A book which displays surrounding communities in the ISR through images. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Inuuniarviit Nunaptingni (Sallirmiutun)
A book which displays surrounding communities in the ISR through images. In the Siglitun dialect.
Hilaliriit Inuuniarviit (Kangiryuarmiutun)
A book which displays surrounding communities in the ISR through images. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Hiqiniq (Uummarmiutun)
Songs and poems about the sun. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Siqiniq (Sallirmiutun)
Songs and poems about the sun. In the Siglitun dialect.
Hiqiniq (Kangiryuarmiutun)
Songs and poems about the sun. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Ingilraan Inuvialuit (Uummarmiutun)
Descriptions and images of traditional skin clothing for men, women, and children. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Ingilraanitat Inuvialuit (Sallirmiutun)
Descriptions and images of traditional skin clothing for men, women, and children. In the Siglitun dialect.
Ingilraat Inuvialuit (Kangiryuarmiutun)
Descriptions and images of traditional skin clothing for men, women, and children. In the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect.
Nalluutik (Kangiryuarmiutun)
A book demonstrating colors in the Kangiryuarmiutun dialect by displaying images of rubber boots.
Kamikpaak (Uummarmiutun)
A book demonstrating colors in the Uummarmiutun dialect by displaying images of rubber boots.
An'ngikpaak (Sallirmiutun)
A book demonstrating colors in the
Siglitun dialect by displaying images of rubber boots.
Una Ilisarviga (Sallirmiutun)
A child named Haaryuaq introduces their school. In the Siglitun dialect.
Una Iliharviga (Uummarmiutun)
A child named Haaryuaq introduces their school.. In the Uummarmiutun dialect.
Kivgaliarniaqtugut (Uummarmiutun)
Poem about going fishing. In the Uummarmiutun dialect and English.
Iqalliarniaqtugut (Sallirmiutun)
Poem about going fishing. In the Siglitun dialect and English.
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