Browse Items (202 total)

  • Language is exactly "Inuinnaqtun"
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days. Note: audio sometimes is very low. Murielle and and another unidentified speaker are suddenly heard…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days followed by an interview with Andy Carpenter about his lifestyle, stories, and memories from his younger…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White are viewing photographs with Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak for identification purposes as well as viewing maps and naming the traditional place names. They also interview them about their genealogy and and life…
Shirley Elias interviews Alec Banksland about his lifestyle long ago, about how Inuvialuit lived long ago, and about his dad’s travels with the Steffansson’s expedition. Note: audio is sometimes low. They also interview Alec about traditional…
Murielle Nagy and Jean Harry are interviewing Edith Haogak about the traditional areas that they were flying over. Edith also shares stories about the areas they were flying over. She also identifies the traditional areas where they lived and…
Agnes Nanogak is telling the legends of a man named Anikniyak, of young girls looking for husbands, and a couple more short legends, then an unidentified man starts speaking at the end of the tape.
Agnes Nanogak is telling a legend of a man hunting seal with noisy children, one of whom was left behind by his brothers and became a very badly treated orphan, of a short legend of two snow birds, and the legend of the man with one eye who was out…
Agnes Nanogak is telling three legends. The first legend is about Kattayatkut, the old lady and her grandson. The second legend is about the fox who kidnapped Ululina, and the third legend is about Kuplugyuaq, the only man that the sought after…
Agnes Nanogak is telling of a hunter’s haunting tale followed by a story of a girl who sinks into another world. (Note: The last five minutes of the tape is a recording of an unidentified man telling a story that was already in progress. This is…
Agnes Nanogak is telling the legend of some young women, one of whom is impregnated and was initially ashamed of her child later named Kaluniq including delicacies and or creatures of the sea, and more. The last five to six minutes of the tape is of…
Agnes Nanogak is telling a legend of a raven creation story similar to the bible creation story. it’s a story that was passed on to her from her father who came from, Alaska, years ago. Ningarsiq and other fellow Alaskans would also share their…
Agnes Nanogak is storytelling of some of she and her family’s many travels, of living in various places, and of of some of their experiences such as when her father fell in water and nearly froze to death, of when he made his own kayak boat with…
Agnes Nanogak is telling three stories. The first story is about two siblings who lost their parents and are living alone, followed by another story of man traveling on the river and fishing and is baffled because he keeps hearing a voice singing a…
Agnes Nanogak is telling stories and legends about Qayauyani of how copper came to the land, about a couple who packed up their gear as they prepared to go on a long hike up inland, a story about an old couple, about noisy children during seal…
Agnes Nanogak is telling more legends and stories about seagulls, about Arctic Char Fishing and Seal Hunting, about some old historic places that were found that were quite deep in the ground and the old houses were excavated where old tools, mostly…
Morris Nigiyok is storytelling of his younger days of hunting polar bears with his hunting companions. To be continued.
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of polar bear and seal hunting with his dog team.
Morris Nigiyok is storytelling of his travels and hunting days when he was young.
Morris Nigiyok is storytelling of his younger days when there were hardly any people living at Ulukhaktok, their travels, fun times, hunting trips, and more. Part 1, to be continued.
Morris Nigiyok is continuing part 2 his storytelling of his younger days of his travels, hunting trips, dogteam races, and more.
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of his many travels, his hunting and trapping trips, the various families, his marriage, Christmas and Easter celebrations, ministerial visits, the fun times and the not so fun times, and more.
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of he and his family’s travels and of hunting polar bears with his hunting companions and their dog teams, part 1, to be continued.
Morris Nigiyok continues his polar bear hunting stoires with his hunting companion and their dog teams, final part 2.
Sam Oliktoak and Flossie Papigluk are sharing stories that were passed on for generations.
CHAK host Louie Goose introduces Susie Tiktalik being interviewed by Alexandrea Elias. Susie is telling Part II of her life story and also sings a song.
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