Browse Items (39 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Popowich, Harvey (editor)
A video of interviews with artists and organisers at the 2004 Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The video also shows some of the art that was exhibited.
This is a video of Elder Sheba Selamio (Qarrun) talking about what her life was like living on the land. She explains how the people made their living by hunting, trapping, and fishing; how they preserved food; and the games they would play.
This is a video of an interview with Elder Maureen Elias. She talks about what it was like hunting, whaling, and living on the land when she was younger. She also talks about how things are different today.
This is a video of Elder Sarah Meyook telling a story her aunt told her about an incident between the Dene and Inuit that took place a long time ago at Running River. She also talks about what it was like living in Shingle Point when she was young…
A video of Elders from Paulatuk and Holman (who have passed away) telling stories from their past.
A video of Elders from the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta areas (who have passed away) telling stories from their past.
This video shows interviews with Elders Joe Nasogalliak, Raddi Koiksak, Silas Kangegana, Emmanuel Felix, Joseph Avik, Sam Raddi, and Freeman Kimiksana from Tuktoyakuk who have all passed on. They each tell short stories from their lives.
This video shows interviews with Elders Jane Esau, Alex Gordon, Hope Gordon, Kathleen Hansen, Tom Elanik, Fred Joe, and Amos Paul from Aklavik who have all passed on. They tell stories from their lives and explain how people lived long ago.
This video is about the muskox harvest in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. It begins with some history about Sachs Harbour and the muskox, then shows interviews with several people who are involved with the harvest. They explain how the harvest…
This video is part two of the muskox harvest in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. It begins with some history about Sachs Harbour and the muskox, then gives details about how the harvest is done, shows some interviews with people involved in the…
This is a video of Elder Frank Kudlak talking about his life growing up and living on the land. He tells stories about hunting and trapping and explains how people lived long ago.
A video of elders speaking in Inuvialuktun about Christmases in the past and how their grandparents prepared for Christmas.
This is a video about the Dempster Highway, created to celebrate it’s 25th year. It shows scenery from different places on the highway and provides information about stops along the highway.
This is a video of artist Mary Trimble being interviewed at the Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik. She talks about her art and the inspiration for her work. The last part of the video shows a segment of “Nanuk Says,” about the community of…
This video shows a tour of Inuvik’s new hospital, including interviews with staff who explain the different departments and equipment.
A video celebrating the 20th anniversary of ICS. It honours some of the past staff of ICS and includes drum dancing performances as well as square dancing and jigging.
A video celebrating the 20th anniversary of ICS. It focuses on the television side of ICS and includes a tribute to the Elders who have contributed to ICS over the past 20 years.
This is a video of John Lucas and Floyd Sydney from Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories, talking about sport hunting in their community. The last few minutes of the video show a segment of “Nanuk Says” in Inuvialuktun without subtitles.
This video, about gun registration in the North, provides information about how to register firearms and shows clips of residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) giving their opinions about the registry.
This video, about self-government in the Beaufort Delta, includes an overview of how the Inuvialuit and Gwich'in practiced self-government in the past, how they are currently governed, and how they would like their government to be run in the future.…
This is a video of an interview with Elder Andy Akoakhion from Ulukhaktok. He tells stories about his life; explains what life was like long ago; and describes how people used to hunt, fish and preserve the animals they caught.
This is a video of an interview with Elder Andy Akoakhion from Ulukhaktok. It is entirely in Inuvialuktun without subtitles.
This video is a profile of artist Mary Okheena. It includes an interview with Mary and shows examples of her artwork.
This video contains an interview with Elder Sarah Meyook who talks about what it was like for her when her parents died and she was adopted. Almost the entire video is in Inuvialuktun with English subtitles.
This video is part one of an Arctic Borderlines Ecological Co-op meeting in Kaktovik, Alaska. Some issues addressed include whaling for bowhead and beluga, possible effects the oil and gas industry may have on the environment, and community…
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