A video celebrating the 10th anniversary of ICS. It shows two boys muskrat hunting (the first program produced by ICS), and then some staff members speak about ICS.
Video footage of the activities and competitions of the Mad Trapper Rendezvous. The main highlight is the gun shooting competition that was hosted to raise money for ducks unlimited. The video ends by revealing the natural scenery in Aklavik.
A video of interviews with Charlene Alexander, executive director of the 1992 Great Northern Arts Festival, and Daniel Qitsualik, who came to help the artists from Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. Charlene talks about the logistics of running the festival and…
This video shows events from the Inuit Circumpolar Conference which took place in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk in July 1992. It includes a parade, drum dancing, throat singing, and performances by Susan Aglukark, Charlie Adams, and Kashtin.