This is a video about beluga whaling. It first shows an archaeological dig of an old whaling camp at Cache Point, N.T. and then shows Ned Kayotuk teaching Daniel Apsimik how to hunt beluga whales on the Beaufort Sea at Nalgugiak, East White Fish. It…
This is a video about the hamlet of Holman (Ulukhaktok) in the Northwest Territories. It contains information about the history of Holman, its current attractions, and includes interviews with some of the residents.
This video contains an interview with Elder Sarah Meyook who talks about what it was like for her when her parents died and she was adopted. Almost the entire video is in Inuvialuktun with English subtitles.
A video celebrating the 20th anniversary of ICS. It honours some of the past staff of ICS and includes drum dancing performances as well as square dancing and jigging.
This is a video of Elder Frank Kudlak talking about his life growing up and living on the land. He tells stories about hunting and trapping and explains how people lived long ago.
This video is part two of the muskox harvest in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. It begins with some history about Sachs Harbour and the muskox, then gives details about how the harvest is done, shows some interviews with people involved in the…
This video is about the muskox harvest in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. It begins with some history about Sachs Harbour and the muskox, then shows interviews with several people who are involved with the harvest. They explain how the harvest…
This video shows interviews with Elders Jane Esau, Alex Gordon, Hope Gordon, Kathleen Hansen, Tom Elanik, Fred Joe, and Amos Paul from Aklavik who have all passed on. They tell stories from their lives and explain how people lived long ago.
This video shows interviews with Elders Joe Nasogalliak, Raddi Koiksak, Silas Kangegana, Emmanuel Felix, Joseph Avik, Sam Raddi, and Freeman Kimiksana from Tuktoyakuk who have all passed on. They each tell short stories from their lives.