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Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Peter and Shirley Esau and they share and discuss personal life stories. Four people speaking all at once for some of the time. Shirley then shares stories from her younger days.
A Long Time Ago CBC Inuvik - Stories and legends of the old days [Inuvialuktun and Gwich'in with translated to English version]. Featured speakers Edward [Gallagher] Arey of Aklavik telling the story of "The animal tribe dance', and Donald Greenland…
Hester Adam is storytelling about her life stories of her lifestyle when she was younger, of who her parents and grandparents are, her siblings, of how and where they lived, their travels, and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Hester Adam is continuing her stories of when she was younger of when they got visitors from the Eastern Arctic as they watched them put up their tent and marveled at all that they had. Part 3. To be continued.
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories of her younger days, of when she got married, of traveling for Christmas, of a young girl passing away, of trapping, and more.
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories from long ago, of hunting stories, of the Christmas Gathering at Ikaahuk (Sachs Harbour), of all the people going to the store, of the dancing, and more. Part 5. To be continued.
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories from long ago, of their many travels with various people, of their nomadic lifestyle, encountering illnesses, and ball games, and more. Part 6. To be continued.
Hester Adam is completing her final, part 7, life stories from when she was young, of listening to the old timers telling stories that she really enjoyed listening to, of their travels, places they lived, and of Christmas gatherings and singing, and…
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories of her lifestyle when she was younger, of their travels, of trapping, getting and sawing wood, getting ice, and more. Part 2. To be continued.
Akisuqyumi from Iqaluit does a talk at the beginning then introduces the gospel singers from Iqaluit, Iqaluktuuttiaq, and Cape Dorset. They are singing gospel songs in Inuktitut on the Native Language Program.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Andrew Akoakhion about his family genealogy with help from an unidentified interpreter.
Connie Alanik telling stories about language differences on the last day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
Connie Alanik telling stories on the third day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
Connie Alanik introducing herself on the second day of the Inuvialuit Elders Storytelling Gathering.
Host of the People Speak CHAK radio, airs a prerecording of Rosie Albert who is speaking to Elders from Tuktoyaktuk, N.T. They are speaking about their thoughts, concerns, and opinions in regards to the oil companies proposal to build a road from Hay…
Host of The People Speak Inuit, Rosie Albert is providing news in the beginning then in between speakers, followed by John Ruben who is telling old time stories. (The audio is very bad and cuts in and out when John is speaking). Allen Soosuk is…
The People Speak host Rosie Albert interiews Michael Amos, Bessie Amos, and Susie Tiktalik about the Elder’s prophecy of White people coming to Canada and taking over and polluting land and waters as their own. The Elders also talk about oil…
Radio host Rosie Albert is providing regional news in Inuvialuktun.
Rosie Albert is completing the translation from the previous story of Rachel Selamio’s Christmas stories followed by host Louie Goose is signing off the A Long Time Ago radio program.
Rosie Albert of Inuvik, N.T. is providing news in Inuvialuktun.
Radio host Rosie Albert is hosting the The People Speak Inuit Program that includes guest speakers John Ruben and Allan Soosuk.
CHAK The People Speak host Rosie Albert interviews Joe Nasogaluk about the oil company’s proposal for oil exploration and blasting around Tuktuur̂aqtuuq.
Long Time Ago Host Ishmael Alunik airs recorded stories told by Inuvik Elders Ida Aleekuk and Rhoda Allen who are sharing stories from their younger days.
Elders, Ida Aleekuk, Rebecca Chicksi, Rosie Peeloolook, Elmira Soupay, and Sarah Kalinek speak to and send greetings to family and friends in Alaska and Canada on The People Speak.
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