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A recorded segment in Gwich'in. Includes old country music songs in English.
CHAK news interview with Captain Phil Coot about the ship the "Beaufort Explorer" and her maiden voyage down the Mackenzie River. There are other news items about Jean Chretien in English.
CBC host Brian Cusins reads the report about oil exploration on Banks Island and the residents and trappers objection to such exploration.
A Native Voice Host, Billy Day encourages people to tell their old time stories and airs Ikaahuk Elder William Kuptana’s story about how people lived along ago.
Northern Games performers singing and drumming by the Delta dancers, the Point Barrow team, and the Katyaaq (Tschigehchic) and Fort Good Hope Drummers.
Agnes White interviews Collis Dick and Paul Adam about their lifestyles, places they’ve traveled, and they also share stories.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Emma Dick about her family genealogy.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Elder Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Kaglik storytelling. Donald is telling a legend about a man named Nuki who helps a community get rid of shaman wolf leaders and now his uncle advises him to travel back home and deal…
Donald Kaglik is telling the Legend of The Beggar Who Found The Ruler’s Daughter, part 1, which is then told in English by host of the A Long Time Ago program host, Louie Goose. To be continued.
Donald Kaglik is telling the Legend of The Beggar Who Found The Ruler’s Daughter, part 2, which is then told in English by host of the A Long Time Ago program host, Louie Goose. To be continued.
Donald Kaglik is telling the Legend of The Beggar Who Found The Ruler’s Daughter, final part 4, which is then told in English by host of the A Long Time Ago program host, Louie Goose.
A Long Time Ago program host, Ishmael Suuyuk Alunik, introduces Donald Kaglik who is telling a legend of the girl who married a shaman. Music is then played followed by the story restarted from the beginning again to it’s completion.
Barry Burgess interviews Harry Dubinski in English about "Navigational Aids on the Mackenzie and other Related Goodies".
Jim Edwards is completing his Christmas story in English followed by Jean Tardiff who is also telling a Christmas story in Inuvialuktun then Louie Goose reads some Jean’s story in English. Louie then tells a short story in English then introduces…
Aklavik, N.T. Elder Tom Elanik is storytelling about when he and some of his relatives were on a mining trip when one of the men suddenly passed away.

This is a drum dance song by William Mangilaluk to cousin, sung by Betty Algiuna Elias.
Mary Elias is giving a COPE report and is reporting about when she and others left for a meeting in Toronto, Ontario with national delegates. Delegates included Indigenous and non Indigenous participants.
Shirley Elias interviews Agnes Goose about her family, their travels, and lifestyle long ago as well as historical stories from the past.
Shirley Elias and Murielle Nagy interview Jimmy Memogana about his lifestyle and his travels long ago, as well as stories from his younger days. Jimmy also sings a song in Inuvialuktun. They also discuss traditional place names.
Shirley Elias interviews Agnes Goose who also shares memories and stories from her younger days. She also identifies people in photographs.
Shirley Elis interviews Sam Oliktoak who also shares stories about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days. Note: At times there was a lot of background noise making it hard to hear including some traditional place names.
Shirley Elias interviews Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days, his genealogy, and he shares stories from long ago. Part 1. To be continued.
Shirley Elias continues interviewing Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days and Frank continues sharing memories from long ago. Frank also speaks of the many changes in the Inuvialuit lifestyle compared to years past. Final part…
Shirley Elias completes the interview with Sam Oliktoak then another person interviews Nicholas Uluariuk about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days.
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