Inuvialuit Voices Elders Storytelling Workshop

Items in the Inuvialuit Voices Elders Storytelling Workshop Collection

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Inuvialuit Voices Elders Storytelling Workshop


Nellie Arey (Aklavik)
Renie Arey (Aklavik)
Agnes White (Tuktoyaktuk)
Fred Wolki (Tuktoyaktuk)
Sandy Wolki (Tuktoyaktuk)
Sammie Lennie (Inuvik)
George Krengnektak (Paulatuk)
Elizabeth Kuptana (Paulatuk)
Annie Thrasher (Paulatuk)
Margaret Carpenter (Sachs Harbour)
Mary Kudlak (Ulukhaktok)
Connie Alanik (Ulukhaktok)
Beverly Amos (Inuvialuit Cultural Centre)
Lena Kotokak (Inuvialuit Cultural Centre)
Ethel-Jean Gruben (Inuvialuit Cultural Centre)
Ali Shiri (University of Alberta)
Sharon Farnel (University of Alberta)
Robyn Stobbs (University of Alberta)


November 12-15, 2019


From November 12-15, 2019, the Inuvialuit Voices team held a storytelling workshop at the Inuvialuit Cultural Centre. Twelve elders and community members attended and shared stories, and the workshop was moderated by Beverly Amos. Beverly invited everyone to introduce themselves, to tell stories of their own choice, and presented topics of interest for discussion (e.g., genealogy and the pronunciation of names, preservation of language).

Most of the stories shared were told in Inuvialuktun, and the entirety of the workshop was photographed and recorded (by David Stewart, Inuvialuit Communications Society and Elizabeth Kolb, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation) so that the stories told could be preserved, and they will be added to the Inuvialuit Digital Library. Return here for an announcement of when they go live.

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