Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from the previous story, of the supply ships that arrived with an abundance of food followed by feasting with gathering of Gwich’in, Inuvialuit, and Caucasians, of court, of her father working for…
Mary Kailek is continuing her life stories sharing more memories of when she was younger when her dad worked with the Hudson Bay Company, when her mom would be sewing, of the rat sunday services, of her travels with her parents, of various people, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his late famoun grandfather who had many friends and who was not well but stlll very fit and wanted to go mining, so he, his grandfather, Tom Elanik, Harry, Abe Auktalik Okpik, Owen , his grandfather, left…
Buster Kailek is telling hunting and traveling stories from 1968, including some comical stories, of hunting and traditional knowledge teachings, and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Ivy Raddi is continuing her life stories and sharing memories of her younger days, Part 2. To be continued. it changes to English programming at the 45:33 minute mark
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when she was younger living with her parents, of various people, of her sister Annie’s birth, of when the schooners arrived and her dad purchased a record player for her, of their travels, of living at various…
Mary Kailek is telling life stories and shares her mom's words of wisdom to her and her father before her mom’s passing, of her travels including when traveling with Sarah and Lennie Inglangasuk, the many people and tents at Tapqaq (Shingle Point),…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when she recovered from her illness and went to pick up Joe from the hospital with her dogteam, of the numerous people that were sick and some who passed away, with the hospital in Aklavik being full including the…
Mary Kailek is sharing her journals of she and her family’s activities from summer of 1979 to 1980, of activities such as living out on the land, hunting, fishing, trapping, snaring, of their visitors, of their travels, of deaths, and births, of…
Mary Kailek shares her journal of July to August activities of her travels, hunts, the search for Archie, and pf her lifestyle with her family out on the land, of her frustrations with lifestyle changes regarding money, and speaks of her prayers and…
Mary Kailek is sharing her memories of she and her family’s activities during the summer and fall of their travels and living out on the land. Mary also mentions the visitors arriving to their camp, of passers by, of various chores, of sewing…
Mary Kailek is sharing memories of she and her family’s travels, of various visitors, of beluga whale hunting, of fishnet fishing, of traditional food preparation, of making dryfish and also teaching the grandchildren who wanted to learn how to…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of her many travels, of various people, of the types of animals harvested, of her concerns of the new wildlife officer’s regulations and governance during that era, clothing and other items made from animal skins, of…